Monday, June 21, 2010

My lips are like redish color. and i was wondering what lip gloss would make them pale pink?

A pale pink lipstick or lip-gloss. This might sound gross, but I put power on my lipsMy lips are like redish color. and i was wondering what lip gloss would make them pale pink?
well since you lips are more pigmented you can either get this thing called lip erase from mac but I think it's a pro product but you can still order it by phone or just use concealer but if you use concealer make sure your lips are smooth and not peeling or cracked and make sure it's not to noticeable just condition your lips with a chapstick or something like it (avon has a lip conditioner) and then wait a while so it can penetrate your lips and make them soft cause concealer can dry out your lips out then dab and rub in a little bit of concealer to your lips to make them pale and then apply a pale pink lipstick or lipgloss. also make sure you keep your lips moisturized all the time with a lip balm that has an SPF in it like softlips with SPF 20 because you lips may just have a sunburn all the time if you don't use a spf. hope this helps. good luckMy lips are like redish color. and i was wondering what lip gloss would make them pale pink?
They sell frosted pale pinkk lipstick everywhere, even cheap Wet n Wild works good, sold at drugstores.
have you tried pale pink lip gloss..

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