Thursday, December 3, 2009

POLL: Can guys wear lip gloss that's poppin?

Well let me just say...

My lip gloss is poppin', my lipgloss is coool, all the GIRLS keep stoppin' they chase be after school.

If that means guys can't wear some poppin' lipgloss, then idk what does. :)POLL: Can guys wear lip gloss that's poppin?
Depends. This is a touchy one. I am not against homosexuality or anything. And this IS just my opinion but.... to me if you are straight then 'No' but if your gay then 'go ahead'.

I would think most women wouldn't want their men to wear lip gloss but again this is JMO.POLL: Can guys wear lip gloss that's poppin?
Yes they can. It is there life. Let the live. You can wear lip gloss. If it is poppin, then i guess you can wear it. There is no law against it.
yea but u gotta wait for it to cool off, poppin lipgloss takes a while in the microwave
better still if its transfered from a hot girls lips to yours

(virgin, virgin , where have you been, by the look of your question, to visit a queen) nice to see you back!!
if so... i'll be lovin' it. i'll be, i'll be lovin' it. (:

you can always wear man-stick. haha.
yea..if there gay

help if ya can…
Sure, anyone should be able to express themselves however they want.
if they really want to. but if you want my response i'm all about the truth and i will say this: Yes if they are gay. No because lip gloss won't look right on guys.
its their freedom their choice but in my opinion they shouldn't unless they're a drag queen
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo… hell no! no guy cant wear/ pull of lip gloss
This question explains your screen name.
If they're colorful peeps,queens or glam gay.
Nobody say's men can't wear lip gloss.
Yeah, but that should be illegal.
yeah if he like guys
whatever floats their boat
Yea if there gay...
I hope not
i like make up me and my girl give each other tips
ummm depends
**** nooo
If they never wanna have sex with a woman ever again....sure.
yes they can
lol no
if your an actor maybe
um no, not really
if they wnt to

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