Saturday, November 28, 2009

What is a good age to wear more make up than lip gloss and simple eye shadow without looking fake?

Complete make-up can be flattering if done lightly. With that said, you don't really need to wear complete makeup until you are finished with school - meaning college!

Times you would wear complete makeup from high school and up would be special occasions, like formals, parties, special dates, etc. Also if you are job-hunting, depending on the job, you may want a more professional look.

If you feel the need for more than mascara and lipgloss, try a tinted moisturizer (Clinique makes a good one with sunscreen). Add a light touch of eyeshadow, and along with your lipgloss, add a lipstick in a light shade.What is a good age to wear more make up than lip gloss and simple eye shadow without looking fake?
never. all girls look there best when they only have a little foundation with a little lip gloss and a tint of mascaraWhat is a good age to wear more make up than lip gloss and simple eye shadow without looking fake?
13 but keep it simple no runway crap
9th or 10th grade. But even then, maybe just a natural color(not brown!) blush and a little mascara. Young skin has a glow and it always looks fake when you cover it up. Covering up is for older women who have wrinkles and spots to hide. I know a lot of girls want to use it all right away, but you should just enhance your looks right now, not hide them.
i would say 13 because that is when i started putting more make up on besides lipgloss. your makeup starting point should be concealer for under eye, powder, mascara, pencil eyeliner, and lipgloss. Start with these and experiment more and more. Have fun.
13 or 15 What do you think out of those???
I would say about 15 or 16 yrs old.
probably from middle school or high school
why to woman wear perfume and make up? becuase they stink and they are ugly.
i would say like 15..just wear light mascara and lip gloss, then later experiment with eye liner and all that! i know from personal experience...i love makeup!
i agree with who said no age and that u look better wiht simple makeup

i guess 16 is ok eye liner looks ok under that age

im 17 by the way
High school, try some mascara, blush. Just experiment and see what you like. I wouldn't recommend going to dramatic but it's just makeup and it should be fun!

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